Thursday, August 27, 2020

Reflective Practice and lifelong learning

Intelligent Practice and long lasting learning Inside this paper, the exploration will utilize Reflective Practice in an instructing experience. It will concentrate on The Community College Whitstable and the educational plan that the understudies understanding. It will feature the progressions that have occurred from the acquaintance of the National Curriculum with the current day, and how the educational program philosophies, models and speculations have molded the instruction framework in Britain. This paper will recognize Reflective Practice and assess the various thoughts from researchers and callings, for example, Schon and Brookfield. This exposition will assess and create comprehension of evaluations in Britains state instruction framework and how it influences The Community College Whitstable. It will investigate how self appearance in it most genuine sense advances instructors in their comprehension of both the educational program and the understudies they instruct. Fusing an intelligent practice in ones own proficient showing techniques, would be one approach to stay aware of the progressing examinations that ought to happen in any expert set up or learning experience. One could depict reflection as glancing back at past showing encounters, either fortunate or unfortunate, and deciding if the experience could have been exceptional overseen or educated. There is a reasonable differentiation among deduction and reflecting. Thinking could be related with an issue and arrangement where as reflecting might not have a flat out final product. Filling in as an educator in an optional school presents numerous issues, and numerous inquiries that are once in a while replied. The difficult that surfaces with thinking about ones own training is that we as educators are not since time is running short, or the inspiration to reflect all the more regularly, or all the more profoundly into our strategies, showing styles or conveyance of the educational plan. Th e presentation of normalization by method of the National Curriculum towards the finish of the 1980s and the start of the 1990s by the Conservative Government, has removed the force from the individual instructor in choosing what is significant. It could be contended it has decreased the educator to just a dispatcher of a state controlled educational program. It likewise recommends a shrouded plan. Neary,M (2002) features the concealed educational program and the mentality towards training and the capacity a school should play in planning individuals for society. Neary,M (2002,p45) states Lynch 1989(1989,p3): The specific social relations they esteem significant in the conceptive procedure are basically the various leveled division of work among instructors and students, the estranged character of students school work itself, and the fracture in work reflected in the regulated and regularly damaging rivalry among students through nonstop and apparently meritocratic positioning and assessment. Neary,M contends that essayists, for example, Bowles and Gintis have made associations with an entrepreneur society and how this is reflected in the educational system. It is imperative to consider the educational plan one instructs and who chooses what is Really Useful Knowledge and how socially compelling this is for the students that we educate. The educational plan that is offered at The Community College Whitstable is GCSES in all the center subjects, BTEC in Construction, Physical Education, Science, Drama, Science, Music, Business Studies, Travel and Tourism, Design and Technology, NVQ in Hairdressing, proficient capabilities in Motor Vehicles (IMA and ABC) and A Levels. Understudies at The Community College Whitstable are progressively getting comfortable with BTEC instead of the customary GCSES which are supported by most Grammar and the top level of other State schools. The thinking for this could be that state instruction is experiencing gigantic central changes through po litical and ideological mentalities. The National Curriculum was tried to expand the understudies learning, the House of Commons fourth report states (2008, p10): This report basically recognized four wide purposes; acquainting a qualification for students with an expansive and adjusted educational plan; setting guidelines for understudy fulfillment and to help school responsibility; improving congruity and soundness inside the educational program, and supporting open comprehension of crafted by school: The school state framework has now proceeded onward over 10 years since that promise and is right now at the focal point of a political upgrade. The Community College Whitstable is entering more understudies onto the BTEC programs than any other time in recent memory. Through impression of the position and vision that the school is taking, and with respect to the expanded adaptability of the school educational plan program, one could see that schools, for example, The Community College Whitstable are progressively attempting to contend on national and neighborhood terms through GSES results. Subsequently going to BTECs is an approach to expand understudies results and climb the class tables. The prevalence with BTECs are that they are all coursework driven and this gives them a preferred position over GCSES which are part coursework, and part end of year test towards conclusive imprints. The coursework is inside checked and remotely confirmed, understudies who might not have gotten a ny opportunity of getting great outcomes through GSESs, have a superior possibility with BTECs (conceivably getting 4 GSSEs at A* C grade on another subject.)The Community College Whitstable has been amazing in actualizing the past Governments call for Vocationalism and Diversity in the educational plan however is that going to change with the new Coalition Government. It is essential to think about ones instructing of the educational program, information, conveyance, learning styles and techniques, in the event that we are to advance and develop as an educator or facilitator. At present there are no school rules to turn into a Reflective Practitioner yet there have been numerous creators and experts that have set down models for intelligent practice to be fused into the educational program. Brookfield,S states ( 1995 p29 ): We have accessible four focal points through which we can see our educating. These focal points are spoken to by the four bolts in figure 2.1. They are (1) our collections of memoirs as instructors and students, (2) our understudies eyes, (3) our partners encounters, and (4) hypothetical writing. Review what we do through these various focal points makes us aware of contorted or fragmented parts of our suspicions that need further examination. For instance utilizing a difficult understudy as a contextual analysis who goes to the professional community is a decent method to think about Brookfields focal points. The understudy that I have recognized has had household issues and individual issues that come from his home life. The understudy has a low scholastic capacity and falls into the class of extra additional necessities, which would have been recorded on his information from appraisals led in key stage two and three. I accept this understudy experiences low confidence and certainty which mirrors his forceful nature towards training and bosses, for example, instructors and individuals in power. The understudy was driven into the professional place as a result of generalizing and the low rules expected to select on the courses at the professional place at The Community College Whitstable. Thinking about this and seeing it from the understudies eyes would enable all instructors to manage his/her difficult conduct with more prominent sympathy and empathy, and thusly this would empower us to handle these issues with more noteworthy information. A minority of understudies may have a dreadful home circumstance and life in a social domain that doesn't advance learning. Understudies might be come to class with that things of home life and may experience the ill effects of an absence of certainty through low scholarly capacity. Seeing this circumstance from an understudies perspective ought to urge us as educators to be increasingly insightful and thoughtful when managing certain understudies. From my experience of working and instructing at The Community College Whitstable, the understudies who picked professional courses are for the most part lower capacity understudies. Despite the fact that there are a few special cases to this, and there will consistently be understudies who select professional course who are scholastically splendid. Understudies that are on the Construction courses at The Community Co llege Whitstable may have issues that run from conduct, social and scholastic through to the clinical and physical. Through my experience as an instructor, communicator or facilitator I have consistently depended on my self-portraying learning, for instance, showing understudies carpentry and joinery through my own great experience as a disciple and afterward proceeding to learn at school. This reflection into my past encounters has helped me to turn into an increasingly adjusted and equipped instructor of the aptitudes of an artworks that returns numerous hundreds of years. I accept that all educators should utilize their self-portraying learning in their educating in light of the fact that we would all be able to recollect the great educators or the great teachers and bosses. Our personal history should frame the establishment of our showing strategies and styles. Friend appraisal is a pivotal piece of an instructors learning experience either casual or formal, both of these devices are similarly significant. Educating on the BTEC Level 2 Construction course includes two individuals from staff and every part has equivalent duty to inside confirm every others work. 50% of all understudies work should be cross referenced and inside confirmed. There are customary group gatherings and departmental gatherings on stamping, understudies execution, participation and conduct. These gatherings have consistently been a decent method to give shared information and to trade thoughts and convictions on the most ideal methods of instructing. Casual input from ones associates can be similarly as powerful, for instance requesting that a partner come into a class to watch a specific piece of the exercise can furnish us with more noteworthy information on the circumstance. By just asking different educators how they manage issue understudies can unravel the ridd le. From my experience a partner had exhort

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Coca-Cola Coffeehouse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Coca-Cola Coffeehouse - Essay Example On account of individual purchasers, purchasing choices are to a great extent driven by the person's needs, inclinations, way of life, values, and different things which are intrinsic to the clients. Then again, the purchasing choice procedure in authoritative gatherings are increasingly muddled, requires greater custom, and looks for the endorsement of a lot of leaders dependent on the qualities and objectives of the organization (Kotler 2002). In acknowledgment of these different elements, Coca-Cola Coffeehouse will make two arrangements of procedures equipped in catching hierarchical purchasers and individual customers. Coca-Cola Coffeehouse will serve authoritative purchasers like air terminals, business organizations, non-administrative associations and instructive foundations. As talked about over, these hierarchical purchasers for the most part have their own proper methods in their purchasing choices. We have distinguished three significant elements which Coca-Cola Coffeehouse will consider so as to impact the purchasing choice procedure of these foundations: spending designations; association's way of life and qualities; and item quality. Authoritative purchasers, regardless of whether benefit making or not, are regularly especially worried about the expense of their buys. Greater expenses involve less benefit and lower level of budgetary assets which can be designated to different activities. In this manner, in their purchasing choice procedures, associations look for proposition from changed item suppliers so as to get a thought on the costs that they will acquire. On the off chance that a specific item is homogenous and normalized, authoritative purchasers will want to get it from the provider with the most minimal cost. With regards to this, Coca-Cola Coffeehouse will at that point endeavor to value its item more seriously than its opponents. An association is exceptionally affected by its one of a kind arrangement of qualities and culture. In their purchasing choices, organizations consistently considers the picture of their providers and guarantee that it coordinates theirs. So as to do this, Coca-Cola Coffeehouse will situate itself in the market as a beverage which invigorates the soul so as to help profitability. The mood of the Coca-Cola Coffeehouse will likewise presents a quieting and loosening up shelter from office works. In conclusion, hierarchical purchasers' exchanges are a lot of reliant on the nature of the item advertised. Coca-Cola Coffeehouse will intend to set up relationship with its purchasers by keeping up item quality. The organization will make sure that it completely conveys its guarantees. Singular Consumers As referenced above, singular shoppers are generally affected by their qualities, needs, needs, inclinations, way of life, and the assessments of others. An individual buys items which further reinforces their own arrangement of qualities and uncovers his character and picture. It is undeniable that singular purchasers typically partner a specific item to specific attributes and characteristics. With the wide scope of client in the market, Coca-Cola Coffeehouse will offer espresso items that will carry on the character and picture of its

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cognitive Reframing For Stress Management

Cognitive Reframing For Stress Management Stress Management Management Techniques Print How to Reframe Situations so They Create Less Stress By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on October 02, 2019 How Stress Impacts Your Health Overview Signs of Burnout Stress and Weight Gain Benefits of Exercise Stress Reduction Tips Self-Care Practices Mindful Living Paul Bradbury/Getty Images When facing potential stressors, the way we view what were experiencing can exacerbate our stress â€" or minimize it. Cognitive reframing is a time-honored, psychologist-recommended method of looking at things in ways that create less stress and promote a greater sense of peace and control. If you dont already use this stress relief strategy regularly, you may want to consider it. What Is Cognitive Reframing? Reframing is a way of changing the way you look at something and, thus, changing your experience of it. It can turn a stressful event into either major trauma or a challenge to be bravely overcome. Or, it can depict a really bad day as a mildly low point in overall wonderful life. Or, it can see a negative event as a learning experience. Reframing is a way that we can alter our perceptions of stressors and, thus, relieve significant amounts of stress and create a more positive life before actually making any changes in our circumstances. How Reframing Affects Stress Using reframing techniques can actually change your physical responses to stress because your bodys stress response is triggered by perceived stress, more often than actual events. If you perceive that you are threatened â€" physically or psychologically â€" by a situation, your fight-or-flight response will kick in. Your stress response can be triggered by events ranging from annoying to frightening  and can remain triggered long after the triggering event has passed, especially if youre not practicing relaxation techniques. Reframing techniques are a way of minimizing the stressors you perceive in your life, thus easing the process of relaxation. How Cognitive Reframing Is Used in Therapy How Reframing Works Using reframing techniques can be simple and easy, especially with practice. Learn About Thinking Patterns: The first step in reframing is to educate yourself about some of these negative thinking patterns that may exacerbate your stress levels. See these common cognitive distortions to see which ones, if any, may come into play in your life. Also, read about negative explanatory styles to learn the particular way that pessimists view their life experiences; since pessimists tend to experience more stress and less success than  optimists, its important to understand how they think and work to adopt a positive explanatory style instead. Educating yourself about thinking patterns and how they affect people is important for laying the groundwork for understanding and change.Notice Your Thoughts: The next step is to catch yourself when youre slipping into overly negative and stress-inducing patterns of thinking. Being aware of them is an important part of challenging and ultimately changing them. One thing you can do is just become more mindful of your thoughts, as though youre an observer. When you catch negative thinking styles, just note them at first. If you want, you can even keep a journal and start recording whats happening in your life and your thoughts surrounding these events, and then examine these thoughts through your new lens to get more practice in catching these thoughts. Another helpful practice is meditation, where you learn to quiet your mind and examine your thoughts. Once you become more of an observer, its easier to notice your thoughts rather than remaining caught up in them.Challenge Your Thoughts: As you notice your negative thoughts, an effective part of reframing involves examining the truth and accuracy (or lack thereof) of these thoughts. Are the things youre telling yourself even true? Also, what are some other ways to interpret the same set of events? Which ways of seeing things serve you better? Instead of seeing things the way you always have, challenge every negative thought, and see if you can adopt though ts that fit your situation but reflect a more positive outlook.Replace Your Thoughts With More Positive Thoughts: Have you ever been to a hospital and noticed that the nurses often ask people about their discomfort rather than their pain? Thats reframing in action. If the patient is in searing pain, the term discomfort becomes annoying and seems to reflect a disconnect in understanding, but if the pain is mild, reframing it as discomfort can actually minimize the experience of pain for many patients. This is a useful reframing trick that we can all put into practice. When youre looking at something negative, see if you can change your self talk to use less strong, less negative emotions. When youre looking at a potentially stressful situation, see if you can view it as a challenge versus a threat. Look for the gift in each situation, and see if you can see your stressors on the more positive edge of reality: see them in a way that still fits the facts of your situation, but that is less negative and more optimistic and positive. Thats the gist of reframing, and you can do it as often as youd like. Most people are surprised at what a big impact reframing can have on their experience of stressâ€"changing the way you look at your life can truly change your life. The 6 Types of Basic Emotions and Their Effect on Human Behavior

Monday, May 25, 2020

IT usage and its benefits of Indian FMCG players - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1680 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? The following table describes the IT usage and its benefits of Indian FMCG players. Only top key players and their benefits of IT usage are listed below. Most of the companies are using ERP SAP for their supply chain processes. Players IT usage Benefits Hindustan Unilever Limited SAP ERP,SAP SCM, SAP NetWeaver, SAP CRM, SAP SRM, SAP Solution Manager, SAP Advance Planning Optimization Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling, SAP Transportation Planning and Vehicle Scheduling, EDI, Internet, Extranet etc. Improved cash management Greater reduction in inventory (detergent business alone dropped inventory level from 105,000 tons to less than 55,000 tons) Achieves negative working capital due to improvement in the information flow across the network Improved in inventory turnover ratio (from 7% to 9.5%) Response Time dramatically improved (from 14days to 2 days) IT facilitated with streaming the business operation, improved information sharing with partners, reduced transaction and coordination cost, improved the operational efficiency and overall organizational performance. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "IT usage and its benefits of Indian FMCG players" essay for you Create order Indian Tobacco Company Limited MFG/PRO, SAP NetWeaver, SAP ERP, CRM, Web-based application. Accounts closure takes place 80 % faster than before. 70% reduction in potential stock-out scenarios Visibility of inventory level across locations thereby reducing the load on the system. Reduction in transaction cost from 8% to 2%. Nestle India Limited, CRM, EDI, RFID, VMI, GIS, GPS, and Internet. Maintains higher inventory accuracy Ease in traceability of materials Increases efficiency and productivity in the warehouse and shop-floor. Improves operation excellence Reduced lead time Dabur India Limited SAP ERP, Web-based application,MFG/PRO, intranet and extranet Improvement sales and distribution system Improvement in demand forecasting Lowered inventory cost Increases in annual sales by 17% due to supply chain efficiency It helps in expansion of distribution network by 19%. Decrease in sales returns and unsold stock inventory. Marico Limited SAP ERP, mySAP SCM, SAP R/3, SAP Business Information warehouse, VMI Achieved improved cash flow to fund future growth. Reduced the production planning cycle time from 30 days to 10 days Decreased stock-outs associated with distributors to retailers by 33% Reduced lost sales due to stock-outs by 28%, which thereby improved the total revenue by 1.5%. Lowered excess distribution inventory by 33% Reduced late deliveries to distributors by 37.5% Reduced cost associated with supply chain exceptions by 25% (For instance, intracompany stock transfers, truck detention costs) Reduced communication costs and working capital requirements. Improved forecasting accuracy at the brand and region level from 70% to more than 80% Reduced Maricoà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢s average total inventory by 25% from 29 days to 22 days of supply Emami Limited SAP ERP, SAP ECC, Bar coding, MRP, EDI 10 % improvement in production and efficiency levels. Improved in product identification, traceability and managing finished goods inventory. Strengthen relationships Improved in accuracy of information Improved timeliness Real-time status of raw materials, packing materials, finished goods, and sales information Table 4.2: Indian FMCG playersà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢ IT usage and its benefits 4.6 FMCG Industry Supply Chain Focus Areas The below table shows the key focus areas of supply chain against extent of time spent on supply chain, which is rated on scale of 1 to 5 (level of importance). It is regarding the sum of time spent by the supply chain personnel in dealing them. The key objective of the firm is to produce quality product at low cost and delivery them on-time in the market. The firm can improve the customer satisfaction by producing quality product and delivery them on-time. Hence, the firms have given high degree of importance to order fulfillment and quality. Even though on-time delivery fall below the expanding of company revenues and reducing of inventory costs, but in the level of prioritization, they are found to be guiding factor for customer satisfaction while taking decisions on supply chain. Supply chain focus areas Weighted score for extent of time spent Order fulfillment 4.20 Quality 4.11 Inventory reduction 3.83 Demand forecasting 3.58 Transportation 3.49 Distribution 3.35 Lead time compression 3.21 Table 4.3: FMCG industry supply chain focus areas Source: (Saha et al, 2006) The importance of increasing the sales revenue and reducing various costs and lead times in supply chain is focus to maximize the profit of firm. In face of ever-changing competitive market, profitability of firm is the measure of sustainability. By focusing on operational excellence in the supply chain, the firms can increase their return on investment. It is achieved by enhancing the production processes, reducing the supplier base, innovating new products and services, expanding of distribution and having products in stock on orders. 4.7 IT Investment The IT investment is still a major concern part for Indian FMCG firms. The investment on IT system found to be lower compared to international standards. Although the technology is available in the market, the firms are still lacking behind in using or spending on them. This shows that firms have low understanding of its benefits and usage. The figure 4.21 shows the IT spending of the firms in their supply chain, in reference to gross sales. The overall average IT spending of 1.3% of the respondents is certainly low compared to the overall global average IT spending of 4.93% (Sahay et al, 2006). The IT investment by the Indian FMCG firms is low compared to firms like Wal-Mart and Metro in developed countries (Basker, 2007). However, the organizations have planned to increase their IT investments in the coming years to gain the new market opportunities and market share. Figure 4.21: IT investment by Indian firms Source: (Sahay et al, 2006) According to FICCI Indian retail report, by 2010 over US$2.5 billion will be spent on IT. This includes 40% spent on software and services, purchasing new assets and maintaining of existing infrastructure (Gandhi, 2008). These investments in IT facilitate firms in reaching potential consumers in tier II and tier III cities in India. Increasing supermarkets, hypermarket and department stores in these regions consider a direct presence of firms, which is essential to sustained growth and profitability. 4.8 Comparison of IT Investment of FMCG Sector with Other Sectors in India The below table shows the comparison of FMCG sector with other Indian sectors; their investments in ERP, bar coding, EDI, SCM software, and automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS). The comparison is made for the degree of IT investment in supply chain automation, in reference to their annual turnover made by these sectors. Figure 4.22: IT investments of FMCG sector Vs other sectors in India Source: (Jharkharia et al, 2006) The FMCG sector IT investment is slightly lower compare to other sectors in India. This indicates that the sector needs to improve their investment in IT in order to gain the operational excellence and efficiency in their supply chain. From the descriptive statistics it is observed that the FMCG sector has made low investment in EDI and supply chain software compared to other sectors. But they have made significant investment on EPR solution, a stand-alone system to compare to other sectors. The FMCG sector should try to observe and learn the processes and technologies using in other sectors, which would benefit to improve their business processes and organization performance. 4.9 Usage of IT Application The usage of IT application in the organization processes are shown in the figure 4.23. The IT application gives both operational and organizational benefits. Comparatively, more Indian firms are using software packages and stand-alone system in their supply chain rather than integration. The pattern in the figure clearly reveals that there is bias towards using stand-alone component in the firms instead of adopting integrated solution. Figure 4.23: Usage of IT applications Source: (Sahay et al, 2006) It shows that only 8% of the respondents using supply chain management solution, which is found to be main area of concern in developing the supply chain capabilities in the firm. But around 22% of the respondents are using ERP solution in their processes. This shows that firms are adopting more towards in-house components than complete integration. When looking into other areas of the supply chain, the firms also need to increase their focus on using IT application in warehouse management and demand management, where these are the major area of concern in managing their inventories. 4.10 Technology Adoption and Usage The technology adoption and usage in India is quite low by international standards. The firms like Wal-Mart and Metro are using the latest technology like RFID in their supply chain, which provide greater inventory visibility. Hence, the firms are facilitates with efficient inventory management and achieves greater reduction in their transaction cost. But, in India the firms are still using bar coding technology for inventory management. Figure 4.24: Level of IT usage among Indian retailers Source: (KPMG, 2005) Even the IT integration is quite low in India, which can be clearly observed from the figure 4.24. Most of the Indian organizations do not have integrated IT system in their processes. It also shows that IT systems used at lower levels in vendor development, supply chain management, inventory management and merchandising. Those are the essential areas for the sector in order to gain the operational efficiency in the supply chain. But the result shows low level indication of IT system on those crucial areas. However, most of firms have plans to implement integrated IT system in the coming years. Figure 4.25: Inventory Turnover of Indian FMCG firms Source: (OC C, 2010) The inventory turnover of Indian FMCG firms is fairly done better management of inventory in 2009. However, the mid sized firms are lacking behind due to inefficient supply chain processes. So, the organizations in India have a major catch-up act to do both in the supply chain management and adoption of technology in order to fulfill these gaps. Definitely, Indian firms can leverage the experiences of international players to advance them in adopting the latest practices in managing their supply chain. 4.11 Summary This chapter analyzed the Indian FMCG industry market growth, trends, importance of SCM practices in the sector and its challenges. And then analysis of various IT components used in the SCM and its impact on supply chain. Then data analyzed on FMCG firmà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢s IT investment, usage and adoption pattern. The comparison is made on IT investment of FMCG sector with other sectors in India. The analyzed data reveals that Indian FMCG firms should increase their IT investment, adopt new technologies and integrate IT with SCM. Finally, the discussion is made on analyzed data, benefits of adopting IT in SCM and steps needs to be taken by Indian FMCG firms.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Sexism In The Workplace - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1216 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Women Rights Essay Did you like this example? Have you ever felt you were discriminated against because of your gender? Sexism in the workplace is an ongoing issue for females today. Though women have been fighting for their rights for many generations, many types of gender discrimination persist in our society. Lets explore the many different reasons why gender discrimination can occur at work and what effects it may have on individuals so that we can put changes in place which will prevent this from progressing. The main and frequent gender discrimination takes places during the hiring process. Getting a job can be one of the most stressful situations for many adults. Gender has a major influence on what job we hold. When we think of construction workers, presidents, CEOs and police officers we think of men while being a nurse, teacher and flight attendant we perceive it as a females job (Cundiff and Vescio 3). It is difficult for a female to get a job as a construction worker, culture norms made it seem improper for a female to work in this field. Having this job would require hard labor, which many men believe they are the only ones who can do it effectively. As for men, if they did a job that was mostly female-dominated suck as nursing, the public would perceive them as weak, and not manly enough (Settles and OConner 7). Employers are reluctant to hire a certain gender based on the job description. These continuing gender stereotypes often can inhibit females in achieving the higher statu s/position jobs. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Sexism In The Workplace" essay for you Create order Gender discrimination can occur in many types of job roles/positions. For example, males hold more leadership positions than females. Women comprise 66% of U.S workforce, yet only 21% hold middle management positions, and a mere 15% are at senior management level (Sipe 2). Women are being discriminated against and dont hold a larger amount management level because they are perceived to be weak and unable to work by their male counterpart (Crofts and Coffey 1). There are many unjust situations women experience resulting in fewer opportunities. Females have to face more issues than men, like having children and taking care of the family. In some cases, women have to put their job on hold to take a maternity leave and take a couple of months off from work, while men are free and can get a greater chance of a promotion (Flanagan 2). Women have to work twice as hard than men so they can prove theyre able to the same as them. Having all these obstacles can make females feel its impossible to achieve a role or a job because of there gender resulting in them giving up. University women in male-dominated academic fields were more likely to consider changing their major and that they continued to perceive gender-based obstacles in their fields (Sipe 2). If females arent given an equal opportunity to achieve a higher position, it will result in them getting paid less. Another form of discrimination women face in the workplace is the wage gap. The wage gap is a major controversy brought up in the workplace. At a young age, we were taught that men go out and work while women stayed home and took care of the family. American women have been battling for equal pay for many decades, the Equal Pay Act was to end the idea of men earning more the females based on sex. Although the wage gap between men and females improved we can still see some discrimination against women. For a very long time, it has become a norm that men earn more the women. According to U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, women earned 81 cents to every dollar men earned (Tufarolo 5). Women are getting paid less for the same workmen are doing. It is highly likely if a male and female had the same education and some job position that the men would get paid more. This can cause many dilemmas for singles mothers taking care of a child. Women have to earn enough money to take care of monthly bills and still have enough money to buy groceries (Fogel 2). Not only is the gender gap affecting the way they take care of the loved ones, but it also affects there retirement plan. If men are earning more than females, men would have a larger margin to save up for retirement (Manuel 6). A certain gender should not influence the amount of money one should make. The amount of education acquired and skills someone has should be the reason why they get paid more. Some females might not choose a certain job even if it pays more because of the fear of being sexually harassed. Gender discrimination can also lead to sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment can come in two forms, quid pro quo, and hostile work environment. Quid pro quo is when you are put in a tough situation where you have to exchange something to receive something, most people know it has this for that . women are told to do a sexual favor for a promotion or a raise (Sipe 3). The other version is a hostile work environment where an employer might make an inappropriate sexual comment or unwanted touching. This type of sexual harassment can turn into something serious like sexual assault. Women are traumatized and frightened to every report it. Females are hesitant to come forward and report this type of sexual harassment for many reasons. The first reasons maybe of shame, victims of sexual harassment feel violated and exposed while being at the mercy of another person (Burner 1). They often start to blame themselves for the sexual assault and convincing themselves not to report it. The second reason is that victims are in denial (Burner 3). Many victims refuse to accept that the harassment they experienced was assault. They convince themselves it wasnt a big deal. Some victims might even convince themselves they were the only ones victimized and dont come forward until other victims do. The result of denial and hopelessness can lead to depression. The third reason can be the fear of consequences they will face if they come forward with the sexual harassment or assault (Burner 5). This is one of the biggest reasons why females workers dont speak out. They feel that if they speak out, they can lose their job, not be promoted , be seen as an agitator, wont acquire another job or even fear for there safety. Although laws such as the womens rights, equal pay act, and civil rights act have extremely improved and narrowed the glass ceiling, the fights for womens rights is not over. In todays society, we can see that women are still being mistreated. They are being discriminated against because of their gender. Women receive fewer job offers than men, they receive lower pay, they dont hold as much management positions compared to men and are being sexually harassed in the workplace. Women should not have to fight for their rights, again and again, the laws placed to protect all workers rights should be consistently enforced. Discrimination is totally unacceptable in todays society. We must change the united way we think of women and how we treat them. We need to move forward together and change as a society so that no female worker suffers from gender discrimination in the future.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Death Of A Serial Killer - 1206 Words

A serial killer is a person who kills a number of people. They act in a series of 5 or more murders with a break period between each murder. Serial killers can go for months and years before they are usually caught. The victim is most likely the same for every killer- a prostitute or a hitchhiker -someone who, if they were to go missing would probably not be noticed (cite). Their victims may also have the same or similar attributes in gender, age, race or general look. Serial killers also stick by their modus operandi closely but may change it with when needed. Not surprisingly there also appears to be many theories and debates as to the cause of this destructive and heinous behavior. As with most mental illnesses there is a debate between†¦show more content†¦However, this would change as he would soon terrorize the state of New York. On March 25, 1980, A girl named of Donna Hensley got away from Stano and maher her way into a police station. She told the police that she was a prostitute, and had been confronted by some man requesting her. Once at the motel, she and the man began to argue, then the man pulled out a knife and proceeded to cut her. Hensley demanded that the man be found and charged. An officer investigating what happened was able to stop searching after matching a licence plate to a car that met a description. After running the plate the officer found that it was registered to a 28 year old man named Gerald Stano. At is this time, Stano had a long arrest record but no convictions. A positive identification was made from Stano’s mug shot, and so began an investigation into a series of brutal murders. On February 17, 1980, a pair of college students walked across the decomposing remains of a woman. Police started an investigation after it was determined to be a murder. The victim was a 20 year old named Mary Carol Maher, She was found in a remote area laying on her back. The police believed that after looking at the rate of decomposition that she had been there for at least two weeks. Her injuries consisted of multiple stab wounds to the back, legs and arms. During questioning about the assault

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Attacked By A Friend Essay Example For Students

Attacked By A Friend Essay Attacked by a friendLong long time ago in a galaxy far far away?. Really only four years ago on a Friday night in a small redneck town just west of Atlanta. We had just moved to a new home in the same city. My younger brother had a friend, whose name is Jason, spend the night at our new home. As the Friday evening wore on, I mostly stayed in my room on the internet. I did the best as I could to be as anti-social as I could. However, at last, all of the people I was talking to on CompuServe signed off and I was left all alone. Therefore, as hard as it was for me to go to my brothers room and play with him and his friend, I did it. I had a blast. The night was actually turning out to be not so horrible. As the night wore on we continued to play, and then it happened. I swung at his face in a joking manner and with out realizing it, Jason had pulled out a knife and it had cut me. Instead of pain, I felt a surge of pressure being released and I knew what had happened was not good. As I f elt the knife cut into my arm, I could see blood shoot across the room. Immediately I grabbed the cut on my arm and ran to the bathroom sink! Turning my head to yell at my brother I screamed, ?Nathan, get the first aid kit!? The bleeding was not slow; it kept gushing out, with no control at all! Then Nathan returned. ?Here you go!? He said as he handed the box to me. Turning my head to him I said, ?Thats not going to work you idiot!? As I lifted my Henderson 2thumb from top of the wound more blood shot out and was stopped only by the wall. Now what do I do? Oh no! I am going to have to tell mom and dad! I am in so much trouble right now. So I told my parents and was taken to the emergency room in Douglasville, GA. When I first arrived to the ER we where told by the attendant to hold on, so I took my thumb off the cut for a second and when the woman saw that she let me in immediately. While I was lying down on the table for what seemed forever my mother came in and told me about a frightening situation that had just happened to Jason. It is standard procedure to report any stabbing or shootings whether or not it was on purpose. So when the police officer came to question everyone he had first read Jason his Miranda rights but nothing became of it. Jason looked up, scared to death, and asked, ?Am I going to jail We all thought that what had happened to him was very funny. Now most people in the situation that I was in would probably start praying and start losing control. Not me, I do not remember how long I joked around and did not take it seriously. About 3 a.m. the doctors at Douglas General Hospital finally realized I was hurt more seriously than they had thought for the past three hours. Therefore, they decided I needed to go to a different hospital across town and I was transported to another hospital in an ambulance. When I finally got to the hospital and the surgeon meet with us it felt like five oclock. As I was being taken to the operating room I suddenly felt my self getting tired and I all of a sudden got scared! I jumped up because I thought I was dieing, I had lost much blood, and I was Henderson 3had almost made it to the operation room.. Now I am dying! I was very upset and told the doctor how I felt. I was told it was just the drugs inside me taking effect and putting me to sleep. I said one last prayer and then went to sleep. I awoke the next day in recovery and was released the next day. The hardest part of that whole ordeal was I lost a hand to type with for a couple days. English Essays