Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Basic Truths Of Christianity Like Trusting And Grace

Change is in the air and so is uncertainty. It can be new chapter for some and a trial for other. When such things are happening in life it easy to forget our faith especial the basics. I know I have, in fact I have to recollect them often. I easily forget the basic truths of Christianity like trusting and grace. How often I undermine my own salvation with my own merits and misdeeds; but in God s grace and long-suffering, he reminds me who I was, am and will be. So beloved, I wish to share three things He showed me. 1. Who I was: we sing it about, we hear about it yet frankly I seem to forget this point often. For it me, I was saved young so for me, I don t remember what I was before I began following my savior. However, knowing what I was beforehand has shaped my walk more now that I am Christian then before. We all know we were sinners, Roman 3:10,23; 6:23 make that clear; But something I never thought of myself as was beggar. Matthew 5:3 states Blessed are the poor in spirit for theres is the kingdom of God. The original word for poor, that was used during Jesus time was πτωχÎ ¿ÃŽ ¯ which means to crouch referring to a beggar that was double over. So here the picture, someone clothed in rags probably sitting off to the side of the street. They re head is hang down toward their chest and their hand is stretched out just enough to hold the alms they receive from a merciful stranger. This is how we are spiritual. Before we were saved, we re beggar unable to obtain theShow MoreRelatedChristianity And Buddhism And Christianity1468 Words   |  6 PagesChristianity and Buddhism exist as two of the predominant religions throughout the world. While Buddhism ranks around fifth in number of followers of religions, it is the third most widespread religion behind Christianity and Islam. 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For any positive social, economic and political change to begin, every Filipino should take the time to evaluate his/her personal value system and practice the right values that promotes justice, truth, honesty and fairness. Now is not time to blame those who came before us, but now is certainly the time to let the tides of positive change transform this nation and uphold what most of us consider as undoubtedly true, good, lasting and supports lifeRead MoreSociology and Group41984 Words   |  168 Pages b. the group s physical and psychological setting. c. the group s purpose, history, and status. d. the characteristics of and relationships among group members. e. all of the above. Answer: e. all of the above. . 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Queen Elizabeth I Deserves to Be in the History Hall of Fame

Queen Elizabeth I Deserves To Be In The History Hall of Fame Queen Elizabeth I was a major political influence from her time and still influences our world today. Elizabeth I was born on September 7th, 1533 in Greenwich, England. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII, the half-sister of King Edward VI and Queen Mary I (Ellis 1). Elizabeth did not only rule the country she had accomplished many other tasks among her lifetime. She wrote her own poems (Women Writers Of Great Britain Europe 1), she never relied on translators since she had mastered languages like Greek, Latin, French, and Italian when she was a student (Ellis 1). Queen Elizabeth’s greatest accomplishment was being an extraordinary ruler of England. Another massive accomplishment of hers was reestablishing England back to Protestantism. Queen Elizabeth I deserves to be in the History Hall of Fame because she was a successful, popular Queen of England, who reestablished Protestantism to England. First and foremos t, Elizabeth I was an outstanding ruler of England, who would reign for 45 years. She was a popular leader who was liked by her people. Elizabeth I was welcomed to the throne on November 17, 1558 at the age of 25, the day Queen Mary had died. But, her coronation did not take place until January 15, 1559 (Elizabeth I). During her time, there were many â€Å"voyages of discovery† for her country including: Francis Drake, Walter Raleigh and Humphrey Gilbert. Because of England forming colonies and expandingShow MoreRelatedReview Of Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre 10879 Words   |  44 PagesJane Eyre Background of author Name: Charlotte Bronte Birth/Death: April 21, 1816 to March 31,1855 Facts that connect: Mr. Brocklehurst is based off the Reverend Carus Wilson, the man who ran Cowan Bridge. Bronte lost two of her sisters, Mary and Elizabeth, to tuberculosis at Cowan Bridge. Bronte s brother, Patrick, became addicted to drugs and alcohol before he died. Similarities: She, along with her three sisters, was sent to the Clergy Daughters School at Cowan Bridge. Charlotte Bronte lostRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 Pagescustoms. I. Title. BL2532.R37 E36 2002 299†².676—dc21 2002074897 v To Donnaree, my wife, and Donnisa, my daughter, the two persons around whom my life revolves; and to the ancestors whose struggles have enabled us to survive and thrive This page intentionally left blank Foreword One of the most useful things about Ennis Edmondss Rastafari: From Outcasts to Culture Bearers is that it correctly traces the connection between the emergence of Rastafarianism and the history of resistanceRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words   |  518 Pagesmake the manuscript available, I have therefore joined together the fragments of the electronic manuscript and converted all the diacritics to a single system. I hope I have done this consistently, but errors may still remain. Where something was mistyped from the ms. the global conversion occasionally produced eccentric results. I have checked this as far as possible against the photocopy, but some inconsistencies between photocopy and electronic file may remain. I have also corrected other obvious

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Kurt Vonnegut free essay sample

A paper which discuses the role of author Kurt Vonnegut in modern literature. The paper discusses the general role of Kurt Vonnegut in modern literature and includes a discussion of his interviews with newspapers through which he expresses his own view on the influence of his literature. Several of Vonneguts books such as Player Piano and Galapagos are examined. It has been twenty years since all sorts of academic critics began paying attention to Kurt Vonneguts work. Many of his critics and fans have attempted to explain the very original style of Vonneguts books. Most of them usually do come up with some sort of a purpose for his books, but the style, usually, cant be explained. In order to catagolize Vonnegut into literary criterion, has been called, among other less presentable things, a fabulist, a fantasist, a black humorist, a mythic writer, a satirist, and a science fiction writer. We will write a custom essay sample on Kurt Vonnegut or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many different critics have attempted to explain his true reasons for his creations, but almost all of them are doomed to failure from the moment they begin. This is true, not because of their lack of intelligence or creativity, after-all most of them carry numerous degrees in prestigious schools, but because they arent Kurt Vonnegut.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Kuratsa free essay sample

The Kuratsa is a Filipino traditional Dance of Courtship where the male approaches and courts a lady in a form of a dance. It depicts the courtship between the rooster and the hen. The Kuratsa is highly favored by the Visayan people especially the Waray people of the Eastern Visayas region in the Philippines and highlights every important occasion in the Eastern Visayas communities. The Kuratsa is the dance of courtship from the Visayas region of the Philippines. At weddings and fiestas, the Kuratsa serves as the traditional money dance where guests take turns pinning money on the bride and grooms attire. This symbolizes friends and families wishes for good luck and prosperity in the couples future. The dance is performed in three parts, with three different rhythms. The dancing couple starts the performance with a ballroom waltz. Then the music shifts to a faster beat for the chasing scene, in which the female dancer flees and the male pusues her all across the dance floor. We will write a custom essay sample on Kuratsa or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The tempo picks up even more for the final part, in which the chase ends with a furiously flirtatious scene. The female is won over, and the male imitates a flamboyant bird in a mating dance. The Kuratsa is highly favored by the Visayan people especially the Waray people of the Eastern Visayan region in the Philippines. Strictly speaking, only one couple dance it at a time. Believed to be a Mexican import (supposedly from La Cucaracha dance typical to Monterrey region of Mexico)- the Kuratsa is however, very different in the manner of execution than the Mexican counterpart. Even the basic Kuratsa music is not based on Mexican or even Spanish melodies. Philippine dance researchers, however, point either to the Kigal and the Bikal as the ascendant of the Kuratsa. The Kigal (spelled Quigal in early Spanish writings on Samar culture and lifeways) is a sort battle-of-sexes couple dance that imitate mating birds. The Kigal is in fact called by another name: Binanug or Kiglun (Kigalun? ) thats according to a 17th century Samarnon dictionary by Jesuit missionary to Samar, Fr. Alcazar. It is interesting that Banug uis the Waray word for the hawk. The Bikal is rather believed to be the fore runner of the Waray Balitaw because of the strict emphasis on joust of impromptu songs interspersed with dancing. The bikal is survived by the Ismaylingay and many versions of this art is preserved by aging magsiriday in Samar and to a lesser extent Leyte. The Kigal dance step called sabay is in fact very similar to the Kuratsa dance step called dagit or when more daring the sagparak. Dagit means swoop while sagparak is descriptive of a heated bulang (cockfight). The block and chase portion of the Kuratsa (called palanat) is never seen in the Mexican social dance La Cucaracha but is very common among Samar amenudo (or couple dances) like the Ismaylingay, Amoracion, Alimukon, Kuradang and Pantomina. Popular versions of this dance exist in Samar can be classified as the Kuratsa Menor (the usual favorite) and the many versions of the daring Kuratsa Mayor. New genres of Kuratsa evolved as a result of necessity, like-as the name implies- Kuratsa kanan Kadam-an and a very funny Kuratsa nga Pinayungan appropriate for rainy days. KURATSA dance step (Tacloban, Leyte) Introduction. Partners join inside hands, free hands down at the sides. Starting with the R foot, take three steps forward (cts 1,2,3). Put feet together and bow to partner or audience (ct 1).. [2M] Dancers separate about six feet apart. The last two counts of the music are not played until the partners are in their proper places